Webhosting Service Agreement
Shared Server Service Agreement (Web Hosting Accounts)
1. Contact Person, Client Support:
All account types include free written support during the specified support hours. If included in the offer, free telephone support is also provided. Written support requests from clients are made via the konsoleH administration interface. For this, clients need to use their client access to konsoleH (Login: Customer Number, Password: Customer Password).
In general, client support orders are included in the all-inclusive price of the
product. Special support
requests, not included in Hetzner Online services, are only handled in exceptional
cases. If more than 15
minutes' working time is required for resolving such issues, Hetzner Online, after
consultation with the client,
charge a fee of
2. Monitoring Services:
- Web Server (HTTP)
- Mail System (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, Spam filter, Virus scanner, Mail dispatch quantity)
- Server Services (FTP, SSH, NTP)
- Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
- Server Load
- Hard Drives (S.M.A.R.T., Disk Space Usage)
3. System Failure and Maintenance Work:
As a general rule, details of system failure are published and planned maintenance work announced in advance on https://status.hetzner.com/. You can subscribe to receive reports on status by email under menu item "Administration; Status Report" in konsoleH
4. Mass Emails:
The limit of 500 emails sent per hour must not be exceeded. The dispatch of mass emails/newsletters via email accounts of the web hosting account or via the website of the web hosting account is not permitted. The dispatch of unsolicited advertising is forbidden. Hetzner Online are entitled to block client accounts which do not comply immediately.
5. Data Protection:
A daily backup of all data is available on all web hosting accounts. Data is retained for a maximum of 14 days. Recovery of the backup (Restore) is possible via the konsoleH administration interface. Here it is possible to recover individual files and whole folders as well as accounts.
6. Content and Data of Created Accounts:
Changes made by the support team, such as the deleting, relocation and overriding of content and sensitive information, which has been deployed and/or received by the client, can only be carried out, if the requests are verified by the konsoleH administration interface or in writing as a fax containing the company stamp and a handwritten signature. The support team are not required to undertake work which can be performed by clients and which it is possible for clients to do themselves.
7. Changes to Configuration Files:
Generally, with the exception of the points listed below, individual customization to configuration files is not possible on web hosting accounts. This applies to system settings and the services provided. The following settings are alterable:
Selected PHP settings can be changed via the konsoleH administration interface. Many further settings can be changed directly via .htaccess file. Settings which exceed the available values and set limits are not alterable. Additional PHP modules other than those offered are not installed. Individual PHP solutions e.g. PHP binaries, are not supported. For an overview of PHP configuration please see http://testen.de/. The following PHP modules are additionally available and can be enabled via the konsoleH administration interface: APCu, ImageMagick, Ioncube Loader, Source Guardian, Zend Guard, OPcache, XDebug, MongoDB, GeoIP.
The number of parallel IMAP connections per IP address is limited for reasons of server stability. It is possible to have this number increased on request at our discretion.
The settings which are offered such as 'Forwards', 'Autoresponder', 'Spam filter', 'SMS Notification', 'Black- and Whitelist' etc. can be changed by the client. Other individual settings and the configuration of the mail system cannot be created. SPF records can be set by the client via DNS administration in the konsoleH administration interface.
Individual changes to the MySQL configuration are not possible for web hosting accounts. For each database created by the client, three data bank users are set up with exclusive access to this database. For reasons of security, no global database user or users who have access to several databases is set up.
Each account and each domain receives a DNS zone file which can be administered via the konsoleH administration interface. The use of our DNS servers is optional.
8. Process Monitoring:
To safeguard the security and stability of the server, a process monitoring system is in place which stops processes with excessive running times and/or RAM exploitation.
9. Installation of Additional Software:
The installation of additional software or libraries is not carried out by the support team. On request, a compiler can be made available for account types supported with SSH with which the client can compile the necessary software packages. This is the sole responsibilty of the client. There is no right to claim support services in this context.
The operation of additional software requiring root privileges for installation or operation is not possible.
10. Relocation within the Hetzner Online Server:
Relocation of a maximum of three accounts, not larger than 5 GB which are to be transferred within Hetzner Online web hosting / managed servers is carried out by the support team on request. Databases are to be transferred in advance by clients themselves and are not a part of the relocation offered by Hetzner Online. Relocation from or to Hetzner Online external servers or dedicated root servers is not performed.
11. Email Service Spam and Virus Protection:
Each email account has a server-side spam filter which can optionally be deactivated for presorting suspicious emails into a designated folder. This folder is accessed via IMAP and Webmail. Emails which have been identified as spam are automatically deleted after a predefined time period. The filter strength can be adjusted by the client. In addition, Hetzner Online GmbH operate a blacklist which temporarily or permanently blocks IP addresses that send spam emails. The blocking of single IP addresses can be deactivated manually by the client. Furthermore, Hetzner Online GmbH use a virus filter for emails. Incoming emails containing viruses are not accepted for security reasons. The sender of the email is notified. The dispatch of emails containing viruses is prohibited.
12. Prohibited Actions:
In order for us to operate a high-performing and reliable network for our customers, the operation of applications for mining crypto currencies is prohibited.