Product Details
The Managed Server MA130 is based on the AMD Ryzen™ 9 5950X processor with 16 cores and 32 threads, giving you an excellent level of performance that will meet requirements for most use cases. Its 128 GB of ECC RAM and 2 x 960 GB Datacenter Edition NVMe SSDs make this model a powerhouse and reliable workhorse. And, of course, our team will take care of the installation and maintenance.
Basic Features
- Linux Operating System
- Administration interface konsoleH
- 1 IP address
- DDoS protection
- Free phone support
- Free email support
- 24/7 on-site service in our data centers
- 45.06 TBit total bandwidth
- Redundant network
- High-speed access to all Internet uplinks
- Network availability min. 99.9%
- Operating system updates
- Software updates
- Comprehensive system integrity checks
- Nameserver administration as well as synchronization concept
Escalation concept
The escalation concept includes messages and urgency reports. If 80% of the hard disk space is exceeded, the system administrator is informed by message whereas if 90% of the capacity is exceeded an urgent notification is sent. All system messages are divided into various categories of urgency. Different notification can be addressed to different recipients. Typically, urgent messages are forwarded on to an SMS gateway while other system messages land in a normal administrator email account.
- Daily backup
- Spam filter
- Virus filter
- SSH access
- Juniper Backbone Technology
- 1 Gbit/s Gigabit-Ethernet-Uplink to Switch
- SSL Manager
Symantec Basic SSL Certificate, duration 1 year
You can equip yourself with a free basic SSL certificate simply by going to the "SSL Manager" menu tab in your account on the konsoleH user interface.
The offer only stands if Symantec can supply a free certificate for the domain.
- Let's Encrypt certificate
Custom Software Installer
Zusätzliche Software ganz einfach über die SSH-Kommandozeile installieren.
- Comprehensive security concept
- SSL encryption (https)
Optional Features
- Possible payment methods are: bank transfer, credit card, Paypal and SEPA direct debit (only in EUR) for accounts from SEPA countries
- Optional Data Processing Agreement (DPA) in accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR
- No minimum contract term
- Cancellation period: 30 days to the end of the month